Storage & Warehouse technology

Semen berdebu atau batu bata klinker besar, kotak sepatu atau bagasi penerbangan – setiap komoditas, setiap bahan baku dan setiap produk membutuhkan teknologi penyimpanan yang sesuai yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik produk dan dipindahkan dengan bentuk transportasi yang benar. Sebagai bagian dari intralogistik, sistem penyimpanan in-house termasuk fasilitas penyimpanan, jenis penyimpanan dan teknologi konveyor untuk memindahkan barang. Dengan pengetahuan kami, kami mengembangkan solusi untuk industri semen dan kimia, untuk industri e-commerce dan fashion, untuk bandara dan untuk kebutuhan pribadi Anda.

Storage Technology

Blending Beds for Bulk Materials

Longitudinal or circular stockpiles are used to mix or homogenise the raw materials. This can be achieved both in covered halls and in the open. The basis for a blending bed is achieved by building up the pile in layers using a spreader and then using a bridge scraper to reclaim material from the front of the pile. The result is the best possible mixing effect, since an almost constant quality is needed when it comes to further processing the material.

Reliable and Even Storage Technology

Whether in the open or in covered halls, raw materials in stockpiles with blending bed equipment must be properly mixed and consolidated. This is why the Beumer spreader reliably builds up the pile so that its cross-section has the largest possible number of layers of identical material. A Beumer bridge scraper then helps to achieve the maximum homogenisation effect when reclaiming material from the front of the pile.

Blending Beds for Bulk Materials

Longitudinal or circular stockpiles are used to mix or homogenise raw materials such as coal. A distinction is made between longitudinal and circular stockpiles - both have a reserve or interim storage function.

Various Stockpile Layouts are Possible

The shape of the stockpile depends on the space available and the volume of the material to be stored. A rotary spreader is used to fill the stockpile, and material is taken from the pile using a scraper chain with buckets.

Based on the specific task (buffering, collecting and distributing, blending/homogenising) and the resulting incoming and outgoing material flow, first the storage capacity is decided upon. Together with the material properties this then leads to a choice of available stacking and reclaiming methods as well as the two basic stockpile layouts, namely the longitudinal stockpile arrangement and the circular stockpile arrangement.