Memanfaatkan aset Anda sebaik -baiknya membutuhkan upaya terfokus di semua bidang, dari optimasi inventaris hingga perencanaan pemeliharaan. Jelajahi peluang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas melalui layanan manajemen aset kami yang luas.

Asset management services

Knowing how to prioritize your inventory handling and maintenance tasks is vital to improve plant productivity and profitability. Assessment and benchmarking helps you identify specific areas in which you can improve the reliability and availability of your assets to reduce operating costs.​ However, optimal asset management planning requires insights into global best practices, and into the average practices of your industry.

Assessment tailored to your needs

Assessment and benchmarking is an independent and comprehensive analysis that lets you pinpoint possible areas of improvement in your asset management programme. You will be able to plan maintenance and asset care tasks and know exactly which resources you need to have available. ​​

The analysis is site specific and tailored to your organization. Prior to the analysis, you will receive guidelines and questions that help you prepare for a successful assessment. During the process, we discuss essential aspects of asset management with key members in your organization. These discussions, along with responses to the analysis questions are analyzed and compiled – resulting in a response profile for your company. This profile is then compared to global best practices, as well as the average practices of your industry. Once the analysis is completed, we provide you with a report containing possible areas of improvement. ​

Every company takes care of production assets through maintenance, executed by maintenance personnel, operators, or through subcontractors. Still, you often face a lot of unplanned downtime, with stopping production lines - which lead to reduced production output and high maintenance costs. But what if you could break through this situation?

The Maintenance strategy review follows a set of logical steps to identify the right maintenance strategy and maintenance tasks. Some benefits of the review are:

  • Fewer unplanned stops of critical assets, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and less production loss
  • More output from critical assets, leading to increased production, more revenue, and higher profits
  • Evidence on how to mitigate risks, helping you keep your licenses to operate
  • Support for the continuous improvement cycle to becoming world class

Once the strategy is defined, the next step is to identify the related maintenance tasks – selected from a database, previous practices, supplier recommendations or asset specialists. This makes your organization less vulnerable, since all maintenance tasks are now documented and systematized.

Balancing your spares inventory is a challenge. Not only do you have to protect your plants from unwanted downtime due to shortages or stock-out; you also want to avoid tying up assets in unnecessary and space-consuming inventory. By optimizing your inventory management, you can reduce inventory costs, while satisfying spares needs for production availability.

SKF’s Spares inventory management and optimization process overviews the status of your current asset management from a spares consumption point of view. The process helps you balance demand and supply through four steps:

  • Spares identification
  • Spares forecasting
  • Inventory rationalization
  • Inventory optimization
Through the process we also identify any spares that have an abnormally short lifetime. If found, we can conduct a root cause analysis and deploy improvement measures. As a result, spares consumption will decrease, giving you the opportunity to reduce your inventory even further.

Less lubricant is better for the environment. Also, an optimally lubricated machine is more energy efficient, with reduced leakage, friction and reduced noise levels. You need a lubrication solution that can meet environmental demands, as well as extend machine uptime and service intervals for higher productivity.

A lubrication management programme helps to determine that the right lubricant is provided, in the right quantity, to the right point, and at the right time. With SKF Lubrication management tools, we can help you calculate return on investment and discuss your lubrication needs.

Common issues in lubrication management are:

  • Lubricant contamination
  • Lubricant chemical degradation
  • Wrong lubricant selection
  • Insufficient or misleading knowledge
The SKF Lubrication Management programme helps you prevent these issues – while obtaining reduced costs for labour, unwanted downtime and energy- and spares consumption. Through a structured process, you can build a world-class lubrication programme in five steps:

SKF Client Needs Analysis   - Lubrication Management

A one-day assessment: SKF consultants will conduct a first assessment in your facilities, to sense the level of maturity of your lubrication programme and define the path to follow. This is normally a one-day activity.

SKF Lubrication Audit

A one week assessment: When the level of complexity of the facility is high – or if you have already implemented basic improvements towards a world-class lubrication – a thorough assessment is advised. This is normally a one-week activity.

Improvement proposal

Once the required information in gathered, we will propose specific activities that will help you improve the lubrication programme in place – according to your specific goals.

Design and implementation  

Once discussed and agreed upon, we can support you in the implementation of the improvement proposals.


In order to measure the effectiveness of the programme, a reassessment is advised. This usually reveals additional improvement opportunities that will help you close in on your goals.