Kami Distributor Resmi BEUMER di Indonesia

Teknologi Conveyor telah menjadi bagian yang sangat diperlukan dari intralogistik. Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, mesin canggih telah dikembangkan untuk mempercepat transportasi curah dan kargo sehingga mengurangi ketegangan fisik. Balap gerabah di seluruh negeri dengan sabuk konveyor – dan kadang -kadang lebih dari beberapa kilometer sekaligus. Paket berjalan melalui pusat distribusi pada ikat pinggang, konveyor roller dan peluncuran sebelum mereka menemukan jalan ke truk. Di bandara, koper dimuat ke pesawat melalui sabuk bagasi. Kisaran atau aplikasi potensial dari sistem konveyor sangat besar.

Jenis Konveyor yang kami tawarkan :

  1. Belt conveyors for the long-distance transport of bulk materials

The ideal way to transport bulk goods and raw materials after extraction to a factory is on a belt conveyor where they are transported before being processed further. This form of conveyor technology moves rock and ores through mountains and valleys over many kilometres. The properties of the material to be conveyed determine the required conveyor technology. For example, the grain size of the bulk material and the risk of exchange with the environment determines the design of the belt conveyor.

2. Bucket elevators for vertical material flow

Whether hot or cold: vertical conveyors and elevators from BEUMER are the economical solution when it comes to vertical transport of bulk material. As the market leader, BEUMER Group has developed special technical designs for this type of conveying system for a number of decades now.

3. Conveyors for hot materials

Conveying hot materials – the unique challenge
Now it’s time to heat things up. At temperatures of 600°C and more, our steel cell conveyors remain cool. Their robust construction defies the heat. Even gradients of 60° can be overcome without breaking a sweat. Our engineers draw on decades of experience and only use reliable components. So before you start to break a sweat, ask us for a solution for your company.

4. Conveying technology for alternative fuels

Mineral and oily substances such as vehicle tires and plastics serve as inexpensive fuel substitutes. They are available in large quantities. Incineration at high temperatures gives the cement works the energy required to manufacture the clinker. The extreme heat also ensures that the tires are safely and completely disposed of.

5. Baggage conveyor systems in airports

Anyone who has ever checked in his suitcase at the airport knows that feeling of “will it end up on the plane”? How do you think the airport operator responsible for tens of thousands of pieces of luggage every day feels? No need to worry, BEUMER baggage handling systems are well thought out right down to the smallest detail. They reliably bring suitcases and luggage to the right aircraft and return them to the passengers at the destination. Since time is of the essence, our systems are designed to operate at high speeds while keeping your operations running as smoothly as possible.

6. Logistics systems for dispatch centres and parcel service providers

“I ordered a case of wine the day before yesterday and it still hasn’t arrived. My party is going to be a bust.” The ever increasing popularity of online shopping challenges a lot of companies. In addition to the availability of a product, the speed of delivery is now an important sales argument. After all, reliable and fast delivery turns first-time buyers into regular customers. With automated conveyor technology, you can create a fast and flexible process of picking, packing and dispatching of goods. By taking the next step and using automation, storage and parcel service providers reduce dispatch time, which in turn garners positive customer ratings.

7. Roller conveyors for transporting pallets and containers